Velvet Smoke BBQ

Watch Velvet Smoke’s video!

Matt & Andi Schneider, owner’s of Velvet Smoke BBQ, rolled out the red carpet for RVBBQTrail’s inaugural kick-off event. VSQ is known for championship BBQ, as Matt’s team, Velvet Smoke, has more awards and trophy’s than any BBQ joint in town.

Velvet Smoke’s style is championship Kansas City style. He’s known for all his offerings, but his brisket and burnt ends are legendary! Burnt ends are not overdone; it’s just a way of preparing the point of the brisket.  Cow Candy… that’s the ticket! Matt explains this in the above video.

Neil, VSQ’s Pitmaster, has been doing ‘Q for three years. He’s a classically trained chef but has found his way through the smoke! Matt’s wife Andi runs the catering business. I’ve had them cater several meetings for me with important clients. At the end of the meeting, a VP said, “good meeting, but the BBQ was the best part… you’ve got our business”! True story!

Full disclosure, I’m a member of the Velvet Smoke Professional BBQ Cook Team.

Visit Velvet Smoke’s website for menu and additional information.
